Access Denied

We are unable to permit access to the application because we require missing user profile information from your home institution authentication service. This information is required for access control. Please contact your institution's support contact at and have them release the specified profile information to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) SP (Entity ID = in order to gain access to the target application.

View additional info about NIH SP metadata at: Metadata Explorer Tool (

The following information is required:

  • Last Name (urn:oid:
  • Email (urn:oid:0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.3)
  • EduPersonPrincipalName (urn:oid:, an unique identifier for an user at a given institution

  • IDP Admins please modify your IDP attribute release policy as follows (Please ensure to release the urn:oid values):

    <AttributeFilterPolicy id="national_institutes_of_health_PROD">
    <PolicyRequirementRule xsi:type="Requester" value="" />
    <AttributeRule attributeID="givenName" permitAny="true"/>
    <AttributeRule attributeID="surname" permitAny="true"/>
    <AttributeRule attributeID="mail" permitAny="true"/>
    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonPrincipalName" permitAny="true"/>
    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonTargetedID" permitAny="true"/>
    <AttributeRule attributeID="eduPersonAssurance" permitAny="true"/>